Translate Dutch to English online
General information about the language pairs
The Dutch language is part of the Indo-European family classification. 23.1 million people speak Dutch, 0.3% of the world’s population. The countries where Dutch is spoken include Belgium – Netherlands.
English is part of the Indo-European family classification. The language is spoken by 379 million people worldwide (4.9221% of the world population). Countries where English is spoken ( Canada – Ireland – Malaysia – Singapore – United Kingdom – Cyprus – Luxembourg – New Zealand – Sweden – United Kingdom – Australia – Hong Kong-China – Macao-China – Qatar – United Arab Emirates – United States).
Our top Language Combinations
- Estonian - English
- Japanese - English
- English - Sundanese
- Danish - English
- English - Macedonian
- English - Cebuano
- English - Bulgarian
- English - Ukrainian
- Marathi - English
- English - Malay
- Norwegian - English
- English - Yiddish
- Albanian - English
- English - Vietnamese
- Macedonian - English
- English - Bengali
- English - Bashkir
- English - Slovak
- Bengali - English
- English - Mongolian
- Chinese (Traditional) - English
- Tatar - English
- English - Latin
- English - Hill Mari
- Bulgarian - English
- English - Afrikaans
- English - Uzbek
- English - Tajik
- French - English
- Indonesian - English
Dutch to English translator
You are travelling to the Netherlands or you have a business opportunity. You probably need to understand words or texts in a language you have little or no knowledge of! That’s why we have created Utranslated to help you in your daily communication in Dutch. It allows you to quickly understand any text in any subject area.
For a medical or legal text, we advise you to choose a native linguist to translate your document accurately. Otherwise, you can use our website for all your personal or social media messages. You can be confident that the result will be almost perfect, even for your Dutch friends.