Translation languages

To help you communicate without errors or linguistic constraints, Utranslated offers you a wide range of translation languages. Whether it is for your machine translation or professional needs, we are always able to meet your expectations. Discover now the 111 language combinations that we offer. Then leave the rest to our team of translators who specialise in a multitude of fields. They will surprise you with fluent and consistent results exactly as you would expect them to be written in the language you are targeting!

Full range of language combinations

To translate your texts quickly, type them into our simple and free machine translation tool. We have a complete range of more than 111 foreign languages at your disposal. So choose your source and target language from the list that appears for you. You can then easily obtain translations for all the content you wish to convert into other languages of the world.

And if you want to optimise these results, you can also benefit from our professional translation services. We offer you a free quote that allows you to select the language combination for your project. So, please do not hesitate to let us know what you are looking for. Because here too, you will find a wide selection of language pairs, even the most complex ones.

Latin languages

Do you have a document that you would like to translate from or into French, Spanish, Portuguese or Romanian? Then you are in the right place… Utranslated is surrounded by a wide network of professional translators in different countries around the world. So we select for you the best native expert who masters the subtleties of your target language. He will treat your document with care and make the necessary improvements to make it easy to understand. Thus, what we guarantee is correct texts that are ready for use in the target foreign country.

Anglo-Saxon languages

English, German and Dutch are among the most widely used languages in the world. Therefore, whatever the source language of your document to be translated into one of these targets, do not hesitate to send it to us. Thanks to our team of rigorous native translators, we are able to guarantee you the quality of the final results. In addition, Utranslated adapts its services to the requirements of your sector of activity and accepts documents in all fields. We assign your text to a translator who is familiar with your specific terminology and technical subtleties.

Slavic languages

Do you need translations into Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Bulgarian or Bosnian? Trust Utranslated’s professional translators to offer you a variety of combinations to and from these salvo languages. We translate your documents with care and adapt the content to the culture of the countries you are targeting. In the case of legal texts, we also make the necessary adaptations between the different legal systems. In the end, you receive linguistically, technically and culturally correct translations.

Asian languages

Do you have texts in Chinese, Mandarin, Korean, Urdu or Japanese and you don’t know how to translate them? These languages, although complex, are important in the world. They are increasingly used in the economic, stock exchange, marketing and e-commerce sectors. So, to help you translate your documents, we have included them in our list of language combinations. And this is whatever the field in which you would like to work or develop your professional career.

Other languages

Utranslated continues to optimise its translation services by further developing the range of language combinations. To this end, we are constantly introducing new languages such as Arabic, Turkish, Finnish, Danish, Hebrew, etc. This enables us to help you target your contacts from all over the world. Then, we ensure that we provide them with carefully done and perfectly revised translations. The result: you will no longer have to worry about language barriers before starting a new international project. With us, you can be assured that you will speak correctly in any language you want to use…


Legal translation

Send us your legal documents now. Our specialist translators will surprise you with meticulous and well-adapted translations.


Medical translation

Count on our team of native experts for the processing of your medical documents. You will be assured of accurate and precise texts.


Technical translation

The translation of your technical documents requires the skills of our doubly trained translators. They guarantee you the best possible results.