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About the language pairs


The Swedish language is part of the Indo-European family classification. 10 million people speak Swedish, 0.1299% of the world’s population. The countries where Swedish is spoken include Finland – Sweden.


English is part of the Indo-European family classification. The language is spoken by 379 million people worldwide (4.9221% of the world population). Countries where English is spoken ( Canada – Ireland – Malaysia – Singapore – United Kingdom – Cyprus – Luxembourg – New Zealand – Sweden – United Kingdom – Australia – Hong Kong-China – Macao-China – Qatar – United Arab Emirates – United States).

English to Swedish translator

If you want to translate a text from Swedish into English, our machine translation tool allows you to convert it quickly and with excellent accuracy. Thanks to artificial intelligence, our translator generates a perfect version of your English text into Swedish for you. There is no need to send your texts to friends or a human translator.

Just by copying your message, our translator provides you with a translation that is close to that of a professional translator. You don’t need to know the Swedish language, you will get the result that you need in just a few clicks.